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498 successful therapies

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Regenerative Medicine without Storytelling.

It just works.

1 Platform Technology.

4 Therapies.


Heart Failure.

Revitalize dead heart tissue.

New blood vessels.

New blood circulation.



Vascular Dementia.

New blood vessels.

New blood circulation.



Critical limb ischemia.

Prevent limb amputation.

Heal ulcers and reduce pain.

New blood vessels.

New blood circulation.



Prevent rather than treat.

New blood circulation.

New transport of nutrients.

250ml blood is all it takes.

Our patented ACP-01 technology is designed to work with
a standard blood draw. Our tests are certified to the
highest standards. All processes and procedures
are carried out using this blood sample, now
faster and more convenient for our patients,
while maintaining the highest quality.






Safety First.


Heart Failure.

Revitalize dead heart tissue and blood vessels to increase ejection fraction significantly.


Vascular dementia cannot

be cured but condition can be significantly improved.

Save the limbs from amputation and regenerate blood vessels to heal ulcers.


498 Successful Therapies

21 Years of Development form new tissues and blood vessels.

ACP-01 is a break-through therapy that

creates new blood circulation where it is needed

to promote nutrition, oxygen delivery and toxins removal

to unlock your lost potential...

Heart diseases are the #1 reason many parents and grandparents are no longer with us.


Our ACP-01 technology and
your new life plan.

At 47, I had a heart attack that caused half of my heart muscle to die. I got a pacemaker, and the doctors gave me just one year to live. That was 19 years ago.

Thanks to the ACP-01 therapy, I can still work daily in my restaurant—completely without a pacemaker.

ACP-01 has changed my life. I have been able to witness the birth
of my three grandchildren and now see them growing up.


Mr Neim Malo

"My pacemaker could be removed."

Healthspan vs. Lifespan

Healthy aging with less age-related diseases.


With ACP-01

Without ACP-01

Period with age-

related diseases

At 80, a place in the nursing home had already been reserved for me, and my days at home seemed numbered due to my vascular dementia.

My last hope was the ACP-01 therapy.

Today, at 87, I still live in my own home, drive my car again, and take care of my husband. Even though I’m older, my weekly bowling night remains a steadfast part of my calendar.


Mrs Alice Lamb

"My place in the nursing home could be canceled."

Non-Healing Wounds.

...are healing with most patients as a beneficial side effect.

27% more blood cirulation as measured by ejection fraction

(volume of blood ejected with each heart beat)

Displayed in three consecutive peer-reviewed studies of cardiomyopathy.

What do our patients say?


Neim Malo


"I got a new lease on life..."


Neim Malo


Mr Neim had his pacemaker removed a few weeks later.


Howard Lindeman


A bypass surgery was avoided.


Howard Lindeman


"13 years years after the therapy, there have been no incidents."




Chest pain went after 3-4 hours after the therapy.


Glenna Irwin


"It's truly a miracle..."




"Heart and lung transplant

were avoided"


Ron O'Leary


Heart ejection fraction increased from 25% to

45% (normal 50%).


Edward Horton


Heart transplant and pacemaker could be avoided.

H. Shallcross

ACP-01 Patient, 92 years

"When I first met Dr. Raju he asked me to walk for him and I could only walk 20 feet (6 meters). Now a year and a half since the therapy I walk about a mile or mile and a half (2,414 metters). And I can do it every night. I go to the grocery store with my wife. I do yard work. I would recommend ACP-01 to anyone. It really works."

J. Tarachione

ACP-01 Patient, 77 years

"I had the ACP-01 therapy and it’s been 7 months. If it wasn’t for that I know I wouldn’t be here today. I was limited to what I could do. After I had the therapy I felt 100% better. I kept slowly improving. It’s almost like a miracle. I’m more physically and mentally capable now. This is something that absolutely needs to be done and made available for the public in this country."

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindsay

Head of Division of Vascular Surgery at University Health Network,
Toronto General Hospital,
Canada’s #1 Hospital

"Our experience with ACP-01 patients was very positive…. The ACP-01 technology has promise…"


ACP-01 is a personalized therapy, its results are world class and more than double all published donor-based results...



ACP-01 stay much longer in the patient's blood circulation.

ACP-01 know the patient's electro-chemical processes.

No cryopreservation and thawing required.

Side effects?

Some patients were treated 19 years ago

and show no side effects till date.

Safety Findings

• No Deaths or Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) can be directly
attributed to ACP-01

• Complete absence of tumorigenesis evidence. Tumorigenisis is
the creation or formation of a mass of cells, a tumor.

• No graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), a medical complication
following the receipt of transplanted tissue from a genetically
different person. It is commonly associated with stem cell
transplant (bone marrow transplant), but the term also applies
to other forms of tissue graft. Immune cells (white blood cells)
in the donated tissue (the graft) recognize the recipient (the
host) as foreign (non-self). The transplanted immune cells then
attack the host’s body cells.

The Power of ACP-01

Patient Mr H. Shallcross




Height of Burj Khalifa, Dubai


"My 21-step skincare routine is good, but the new prevention
for my cardiovascular system is better."


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Our team is happy to assist you with a completely
free and no-obligation consultation.

Book your consultation appointment here.

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"I just feel better and have
more endurance."

Thomas Smeenk, 66 years, Founder, CEO and President of HEMOSTEMIX

"At a certain age, every day without complications counts.
Start having a better and fitter life now, and don’t wait
until diseases become unstoppable."


Registered Trademark



A simple blood draw and return.


No immune reaction and no rejection of DNA due to the use of the patient's own cells.


Plan to allocate one hour each for the blood draw and the blood return.

Unique Worldwide.


ACP-01 patients confirmed the following:

More energy and vitality
Less fatigue
Improved physical endurance
Better quality of life
Reduced pain
Less inflammation

Driving force for diseases

Improved Physical Endurance

6-Minutes-Walk-Test at 90 days after therapy

36% average improvement in walking capapcity

Process Overview

21 years of development and a million-dollar budget for the development of an efficient process

250ml blood draw at the general practitioner’s office.

Medically secure transport of the blood to America.

Reprogramming of the patient’s own stem cells in ACP-01.

Medically secure transport of the blood to Zurich, Switzerland.

Outpatient reinfusion of the blood into the patient's bloodstream using standard syringes.


Two world-class
therapy locations


In Zurich, Switzerland, ACP-01 is already available as a specialized therapy, as Switzerland has not adopted all EU regulations.

Switzerland will be the only treatment location
in Europe.

498 Successful Therapies

In Toronto, Canada, ACP-01 is already available as a specialized therapy, as Canada is not subject to FDA regulations of the USA.

Canada will be the only treatment location
in America.

498 Successful Therapies


Waiting List

Patients have been able to register on
our waiting list since August 1, 2024.


"Join the Club."

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"We are modern and confident..."

Technology Platform Partner


Stem cell therapy company  
Based in Canada  
Publicly traded corporation  
Founded in 2003  
91 registered patents

Summary with

Patient Testimonials

ACP-01 Saves Limps.

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ACP-01 Saves Lives.

Whereas the five-year mortality rate of chronic limb threatening ischemia (CLTI)
is 60%, the Universities of Toronto and British Columbia (both Canada) posted
that 83% of patients followed in the Phase 2 trial for up to 4.5 years experienced

healing of ulcers, cessation of pain,
no major amputation, no death.



480 therapies worldwide per year only.

Insight into the Scientific Advisory Board of ACP-01
Each member has studied ACP-01 and voted with thier name for its potential 

"One of the most published cardiologists in the world."
Newswire 2020


Professor Dr. Dr. Ernst von Schwarz, MD, PhD, FESC, FACC, FSCAI, is a globally renowned clinical and academic cardiologist based in the USA. He is triple board-certified and a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Dr. Ernst von Schwarz is recognized worldwide as a pioneer in stem cell research. He has published over 150 scientific papers in international, peer-reviewed medical journals, as well as several books and book chapters on cardiovascular medicine.

In 1996, he was the first in the world to use embryonic cells in experimental animal studies to demonstrate tissue regeneration and the improvement of organ function. Dr. Ernst von Schwarz has utilized stem cells to regenerate cardiovascular diseases, treat chronic lung diseases, chronically degenerative brain diseases, and acute injuries.

He joined Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and UCLA in 2006 as a professor of medicine and director of the Cardiac Device Program. In 2015, Dr. von Schwarz was appointed Director of Cardiology, Director of the Catheterization Lab, and Director of the Heart Institute at Southern California Hospital in Culver City. Since 2016, he has also been the Chairman of the Pacific Heart Medical Group in Murrieta and Medical Director of Heart Stem Inc.

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“Stem cell therapy is one of the most promising advances in modern medicine.”

"Within this decade, we will be able to extend lifespan to 120 years."

"We medical professionals respond…

With stem cells, we have the opportunity to prevent.”

"Every study on stem cells has shown an improvement in the patients' condition…”

"Developed 13 patents for treatments of the spinal
cord and brainstem.


Dr. Fraser Henderson is an outstanding neurosurgical specialist with extensive experience in neurosurgery and neurological sciences. He is a lecturer in neurosurgery at Mayo Clinic Florida, Chief Medical Officer of Hemostemix, Director of the Metropolitan Neurosurgery Group LLC, Chief of Neurosurgery at Luminis Health Doctors Hospital, a staff member at the University of Maryland Capitol Region Medical Center, and Director of the Chiari Syringomyelia Foundation Greater Metropolitan Washington Chapter.

His focus is on the research and treatment of deformities of the brainstem and spinal cord in genetic disorders of the craniovertebral junction.

Dr. Henderson was awarded the American Association of Neurological Surgeons/CNS Award for Excellence in Spine Research in 2007 and the RISES Physicians Award in 2011. He holds 13 patents related to disorders of the brainstem and spinal cord, has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles, and has given more than 190 invited lectures.

He served for 14 years as Director of Neurosurgery for Spine and Craniovertebral Junction, Co-Director of the Lombardi Neuro-Oncology Division, and Professor of Neurosurgery at Georgetown University in 2005. There, he advanced CyberKnife radiosurgery for treating complex spinal tumors and received the AANS/CNS Award for Research Excellence in 2008.

Dr. Henderson currently practices in Chevy Chase, Maryland, as Chief of Neurosurgery at Doctors’ Community Hospital and is Director of the Washington Greater Metropolitan Chiari Foundation. He was awarded the R.I.S.E.S. Award for medical excellence in 2011. Dr. Henderson has invented 11 devices for treating disorders of the brainstem and spinal cord, published 52 additional peer-reviewed articles, and delivered 130 lectures. He is also a member of the executive committees of the CSF, the Canadian ILC Foundation, the Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation, and the Coalition Against Pediatric Pain.

“ACP-01 Technology currently represents only the tip of the iceberg in terms of its potential...”

"ACP-01 offers significant advantages over stem cells from bone marrow and MSCs."

"ACP-01 Patient
and former
Chief Medical Officer

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Dr. Pierre Leimgruber, MD, FACC is a specialist in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and worked for 32 years as an interventional cardiologist. After performing thousands of balloon angioplasties and stent placements in patients with severe cardiovascular diseases, he decided to change his focus to helping patients prevent the disease he used to treat. Dr. Leimgruber is the author of 26 peer-reviewed research studies.

Dr. Leimgruber is board-certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and interventional cardiology. He is working at The Prevention Center for Heart and Brain Health in Spokane, Washington. He practices the Bale Doneen Method of heart attack, stroke and diabetes prevention, shown in two peer-reviewed studies to halt, stabilize or even reverse cardiovascular diseases. Dr. Leimgruber also serves as Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.

“After performing thousands of angioplasties and stent placements to reopen severely clogged heart arteries in patients with severe coronary, carotid artery and in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) and severe critical limb ischemia (CLI), I keenly understand this market and the significant promise ACP-01 offers the millions of afflicted. We know ACP-01’s clinical outcomes and the data is world class to-date.” said Dr. Leimgruber.

Dr. Leimgruber has also battled coronary artery disease himself. That’s given him a special empathy with his patients. “It was quite a shocker to be diagnosed with coronary artery disease in 1996, even though I was already taking cholesterol medication to reduce my risk,” says Dr. Leimgruber, who turned out to have such severe arterial blockages that he needed triple-bypass surgery at age 45.

Dr. Leimgruber later became a patient of the ACP-01 treatment, understanding its benefits with his 32 years of experience in this field.

“As an ACP-01 patient, I encourage my colleagues to take the time necessary to understand
the therapy's exceptional efficacy and safety profile."

"Treated over 1000
patients with heart



Dr. Nadia Giannetti along with her team participates in the care of over 1000 patients with heart failure. She is the former Chief of Cardiology at the McGill University Health Centre, Montreal Canada. Since 2021, she has been the Associate Physician-in-Chief for the Department of Medicine, McGill University Health Centre, and is the Medical Director of the Heart Failure and Heart Transplant program.  

Dr. Giannetti received her Medical Degree from McGill University. After training in cardiology at McGill, she went on to pursue a Fellowship in Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation at Stanford University in California.

She returned to McGill to become an Attending Cardiologist and an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine. For the past 10 years, Dr. Giannetti has been an active member of the Canadian Heart Failure and Heart Transplant Guidelines. She has led multiple multi-center clinical trials as a local and national principal investigator.

Dr. Giannetti is very active in the Canadian Heart Failure and Transplant landscape. She is past president of the Canadian Cardiac Transplant Group, has been on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Heart Failure Society and Governance Committee of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society.

She is the co-Principal Investigator of a large initiative looking at the role of stem cells in personalized therapy for cardiomyopathy.

“I am very excited as the ACP-01 Technology is very promising...”

"Over a decade in
stem cell science.


Dr. Renzo Cecere is the McGill University Chief of Cardiac Surgery, Surgical Director of the Heart Failure and Heart Transplantation Program, and Director of the Mechanical Circulatory Support Program. He is also Associate Member of the McGill University Department of Mechanical Engineering, and a Director and Principal Investigator of the Research Institute of the MUHC Myocardial Regeneration Laboratory.


For over a decade, Dr. Cecere’s lab has been investigating novel methods to strengthen the stem-cell induced regeneration of infarcted heart tissue. Dr. Cecere has utilized placenta-derived stem cells and investigated their regenerative potential.

More recently, Dr. Cecere’s lab is actively involved in a project to create a platform to generate patient-specific cardiomyocytes from the blood of patients with heart failure. In Dr. Cecere’s recent project (under review, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine), the team encapsulated placenta derived stem cells in a hydrogel scaffold. In fact, Dr. Cecere’s lab recently published a systematic review and meta-analysis that demonstrated that stem cells combined with bioactive scaffolds provide enhanced tissue regeneration, compared to stem cells injected alone.

This study paves the way for future research, supporting the use of ACP-01-based bioactive scaffolds to improve the stem cell-induced repair after a myocardial infarction.


“I have worked in the field of heart-based stem cell science for more than a decade, and I find ACP-01’s unique properties, safety profile and statistically significant preliminary intramyocardial efficacy results to be very promising” said Dr. Cecere. 


My most recent work investigates the regenerative potential of the secretome derived from stem cells, rather than using the cells themselves as a novel avenue for regenerative medicine. The results of this work will improve patient outcomes after a heart attack occurs by reducing the progression of the disease to heart failure.

“ACP-01's unique properties, safety profile and statistical significance are very promising...”

"Published more than
400 articles in peer-
reviewed journals."


Dr. Alan Lumsden has developed an international reputation as a leader in the field of endovascular surgery. In over 40 years in the medical field, he has contributed to more than 400 articles in peer-reviewed journals and has received significant funding from National Institute of Health (USA) for his research.

He is the Medical Director at the Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center, where he also chairs the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery.

Dr. Lumsden specializes in advanced treatments for aortic aneurysms, carotid arterial disease, and minimally invasive venous therapy. His contributions to the field include pioneering techniques in endovascular surgery and developing a carotid stenting simulator and conducts FDA-mandated surgeon training.

Dr. Lumsden is recognized globally for his expertise and has been instrumental in the evolution of vascular surgery from open procedures to advanced, minimally invasive techniques.

"Published more than
300 scientific articles.


Dr. Norman Wong’s career is spanning over four decades and his numerous academic accomplishments include over 300 published works. His research has significantly advanced the understanding of gene regulation and its role in diseases like cardiovascular conditions and Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Wong is the Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Resverlogix. This is a biopharmaceutical company, focused on the development of therapeutics in cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer’s disease.

He is also a Professor of Medicine at the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine, where he specializes in endocrinology, molecular biology, gene/cell therapy, and epigenetics. Furthermore, he is looking at endocrine causes of heart conditions and trying to find ways to prevent and treat them.


He has also acted as a consultant to several leading pharmaceutical companies, including Eli Lilly, Merck Frost, GlaxoSmithKline, Solvay Pharmaceuticals and Abbott Laboratories.

Dr. Wong has been recognized with the “Queen Elizabeth II - Platinum Jubilee Medal” for his substantial contributions to medicine and science. His work includes pioneering research in familial hypercholesterolemia and the development of novel therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

“I feel that this platform technology will lead to novel therapies
for many human diseases with unmet needs…"

"Presented 165 medical
education accredited
papers and counting."

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Dr. York Hsiang, MB. ChB, MHSc, FRCSC, is a Professor of Vascular Surgery at the University of British Columbia, and Consultant Surgeon at the Vancouver General Hospital.

Dr. Hsiang has written or co-written and presented 165 continuing medical education accredited papers to peers at regional, national and international symposia focused on such diverse topics as a pressure-sensing smart stent compatible with angioplasty procedure and its in vivo testing; vascular surgery; advanced venous issues; carotid surgery.

He is the past President of the Chinese-Canadian Medical Society and the Western Vascular Society. Dr. Hsiang has diverse interests in vascular biology, vascular engineering and clinical epidemiology.

In 2006, he undertook a mini-endovascular fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic to develop an endovascular program at UBC. Dr. Hsiang was the former Director of Surgical Research in the UBC Department of Surgery. He also has a special clinical interest in wounds and served on the Board of the Canadian Association of Wound Care.

“This technology is an important step forward for treating vascular diseases
and we have seen some very impressive results.”

"Developed 15 patents
and has published more
than 240 articles."


Professor Dr. Johannes Grillari has published over 240 articles, holds 15 patents, and has been invited to speak at more than 150 international conferences. He has received several awards, including the Walter-Doberauer Prize for Aging Research.

Since 2019, he has been the Director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Traumatology in cooperation with AUVA, with a strong focus on tissue regeneration. He has also been an Associate Professor at the Department of Biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) since 2006.

Dr. Grillari has dedicated over 25 years to research on understanding the molecular and physiological changes that occur during cell aging, their impact on aging processes in the organism, and tissue regeneration.

In 2011, he co-founded Evercyte, a company that generates and provides immortal cells for biopharmaceutical and cosmetic research and development. In 2013, he also co-founded TAmiRNA, a company specializing in the identification of circulating miRNAs as biomarkers for aging and age-associated diseases, particularly osteoporosis.

“I have been working in the field of stem cell research and aging since 2000. ACP-01 is unique...”

"Performed over 18,000
invasive procedures and
sees 250 patients per week"


Dr. Ronnie Hershman, MD, FCCS, has been a practicing Cardiologist since 1987 and has performed over 18,000 invasive procedures and sees over 250 patients per week. He is a director and investor in the company.

Dr. Hershman is the Medical Director of NYU Langone Long Island Cardiac Care in New York, USA. He was involved in many clinical trials for emerging catheter technologies. He was a pioneer in performing laser-assisted coronary angioplasty, starting in a private practice in New York in 1989.

Dr. Hershman built and manages a large medical practice, employing cutting-edge technology and continues his practice for patients with cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases, employing a non-invasive therapy for patients with intractable Angina and Congestive Heart Failure.

His main interests lies in bringing improved medical technologies from the bench to the clinic, quickly and globally. He is actively seeking to commercialize technologies that improve lives and cure illnesses in the most effective and cost-efficient manner.

“Stem Cell therapies are the future in so many chronic illnesses and ACP-01 is an exciting technology with a lot of promise in providing solutions and therapeutic options for many patients with critical cardiovascular illnesses and ischemia,” said Dr. Hershman.

Dr. Hershman is very active as angel investor in various medical and biotech companies to accelerate the development of new cutting-edge medical technologies.

“ACP-01 is an exciting technology and provides solutions for many patients...”

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“We enjoy the fruits of our hard work
longer and healthier.”

Michael and Lisa

Why Physicians and
Patients like ACP-01

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Get the Longevity Brochure

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Honorable Sheila Copps

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada

Member of Advisory Board

"I am absolutely delighted to be part of this initiative. With the widespread scourge of diabetes, ACP-01 could be a lifesaver.”

Results are not just promising,
they are black on white,
you decide...

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